January 27, 2016


1. White Beach

With its glorious, powdered-sugar sand, White Beach is the centre of the action in Boracay and the only sight most visitors ever see. Beach locations are defined relative to three former boat stations, where bangkas from Caticlan used to arrive. The area south of Station 3, known as Angol, contains most of the budget accommodation, including a few remnants of Old Boracay.
The stretch between Station 1 and Station 3 is busy and commercial. Most top-end accommodations are on an incredible stretch of beach north of Station 1. The entire beach is paralleled by a sandy pedestrian highway – the White Beach Path – where motorised vehicles are officially banned and shoes informally so.

2. Mt Luho View Deck

Looming high above the east coast, this viewpoint has stunning views across the island, though the steps up were designed for giants. The lush cross-country road linking it with the main road is quite a contrast to the coast.


BoracayStories said...

Hi there! I don't think your first photo is of Boracay's White Beach.

History And Great Places To Travel said...

Oh! isn't it?
Could you please send me 1?

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